会場風景 Courtesy of the artist and Aoyama Meguro
視差的仕草(ブルー、レッド) 2016
Courtesy of the artist and Aoyama Meguro
視差的仕草(ブルー) 2018
Courtesy of the artist and Aoyama Meguro
会場風景 Courtesy of the artist and Aoyama Meguro
《リリエーヴォ》(2014 〜18、左上)、《景色を拭う》(2016、左下)、
《漂泊の臨界》(2018 、右) Courtesy of the artist and Aoyama Meguro
《柔らかさと硬さ》(2013〜18 、右) Courtesy of the artist and Aoyama Meguro
Courtesy of the artist and Aoyama Meguro
会場風景 Courtesy of the artist and Aoyama Meguro
クーポンコード BTP2024-25