NEWS / HEADLINE - 2021.3.11


山本晃 接合せ鉢「朝凪」 2011
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hayashi Kaoru, in celebration of the Museum’s 150th Anniversary, 2020 (2020.76.6). Image (C) Yamamoto Akira

家出隆浩 「せせらぎ」 2020
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hayashi Kaoru, in celebration of the Museum’s 150th Anniversary, 2020 (2020.390.5). Image (C) Iede Takahiro

飯野一朗 「和」
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hayashi Kaoru, in celebration of the Museum’s 150th Anniversary, 2020 (2020.76.12a, b). Image (C) Iino Ichirō

押山元子 銀赤銅攪拌文匣「晩霞」 2009
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hayashi Kaoru, in celebration of the Museum’s 150th Anniversary, 2020 (2020.76.10a, b). Image (C) Oshiyama Motoko

大澤光民 鋳ぐるみ花器「宙擁」 2015
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hayashi Kaoru, in celebration of the Museum’s 150th Anniversary, 2020 (2020.390.2). Image (C) Ozawa Kōmin

田口壽恒 鍛朧銀花器 2015
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hayashi Kaoru, in celebration of the Museum’s 150th Anniversary, 2020 (2020.76.4). Image (C) Taguchi Toshichika

田中照一 接合飾箱 2020
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Hayashi Kaoru, in celebration of the Museum’s 150th Anniversary, 2020 (2020.390.6a, b). Image (C) Tanaka Terukazu

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