INTERVIEW - 2020.11.23

いま、ヘルムート・ニュートンを振り返る意味とは? 映画『ヘルムート・ニュートンと12人の女たち』監督インタビュー

Helmut at home, Monte Carlo, 1987 (c) Foto Alice Springs, Helmut Newton Estate Courtesy Helmut Newton Foundation

Arena, Miami 1978 (c) Foto Helmut Newton, Helmut Newton Estate Courtesy Helmut Newton Foundation

撮影風景 (c) Stephanie Füssenich.

Crocodile, Wuppertal 1983 (c) Foto Helmut Newton, Helmut Newton Estate Courtesy Helmut Newton Foundation

シャーロット・ランプリング (c) Pierre Nativel, LUPA FILM

グレイス・ジョーンズ  (c) Pierre Nativel, LUPA FILM

Rue Aubriot, Paris 1975 (c) Foto Helmut Newton, Helmut Newton Estate Courtesy Helmut Newton Foundation

Self portrait, Monte Carlo 1993 (c)Foto Helmut Newton, Helmut Newton Estate Courtesy Helmut Newton Foundation

アナ・ウィンター (c) Pierre Nativel, LUPA FILM

David Lynch and Isabelle Rossellini, Los Angeles 1988 (c) Foto Helmut Newton, Helmut Newton Estate Courtesy Helmut Newton Foundation

Grace Jones and Dolph Lundgren, Los Angeles 1985 (c) Foto Helmut Newton, Helmut Newton Estate Courtesy Helmut Newton Foundation

Newton with Sylvia, Ramatuelle 1981 (c) Foto Alice Springs, Helmut Newton Estate Courtesy Helmut Newton Foundation

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